Bridging Loans in Here The Financial Solutions Partnership Limited, we have extensive knowledge in all aspects of bridging loans; priding ourselves on meeting the needs of our customers regardless of their requirements. Our excellent service throughout has helped us build a solid reputation in and makes the process of bridging loans professional, reliable and successful.
Benefits of A Bridging Loan
The Financial Solutions Partnership Limited can significantly improve your credit profile providing that all repayments are paid on time. By securing a bridging loan through us, we can help complete the purchase of a new property before the sale of your existing property has been completed.
Meaning you can now say goodbye to stressful periods and those agonising waits from lawyers and estate agents when you contact us.
Some may see the strictly short-term aspect of a bridging loan as a benefit, although most other loans are long-term, a bridging loan requires the borrower to repay the loan within a short space of time. Meaning the borrower is less likely to suffer from any form of financial hardship that will make repaying the loan difficult.
Main Uses of Bridging Loans
Are you a home buyer, landlord, property developer or investor in the area? If you are then a bridging loan could be more useful to you than you initially thought. Whether you are buying a property , building a property or currently going through the process of a refurbishment project, a bridging loan could be a great option for you to consider.
There is also a funding option involved in bridging loans, here at The Financial Solutions Partnership Limited, we understand that businesses can become in need of short-term funding. Whether it is to raise capital, meet a business obligation or settle tax liabilities, we can help; our team of experts can offer you advice and guidance throughout the process of your bridging loan in order to get your business get back on its feet.
Contact Us
If you would like more information regarding the advice and support we offer to our clients in , please don�t hesitate to get in touch today by calling 01206 767678 or 07939 544364.